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Post-Operative Hospital Instructions
Wichita, KS

Post-Operative Hospital Instructions provided by , , and in Wichita, KS at

•  Once you are home your child may be tired for some time and may want to sleep. It is important that you do not leave your child unattended today. It will take several hours for him or her to return to normal.

•  Mild nausea and fever are common, but if your child has prolonged nausea, vomiting or diarrhea or if your child has a high, prolonged fever that does not respond (go down) after you give your child Children's Tylenol® call our office or go to emergency room.

•  Your child may complain of a sore throat or nose. This is due to the tube that helped your child breath while asleep. This will go away in 2-4 days and best treated with Children's Motrin® or Children's Tylenol®. You may also have some slight bleeding around the nose from the tube, that is normal and will subside in 1-3 days.

•  Your child should also have a soft diet today. Many parents find that pasta, applesauce, pudding, ice cream, soup, and/or gelatin snacks are good options.

•  To ensure the longevity of your child's dental restorations, please do not allow him/or her to have any sticky or chewy foods, such as: caramels, Laffy Taffy®, suckers or gum as the crowns and fillings may come off. If your child had any dental work done on his/her front teeth be very cautious on what they are biting into, no hard foods where they have to "bite and tug". Some foods may need to be cut into smaller pieces so that biting is no longer needed.

•  Bleeding around crowns is normal for the first 5-7 days after the sedation appointment. Continue proper brushing and flossing to heal these areas, pain and irritation may occur, you may give your child Children's Tylenol® or Children's Motrin® as the instructions on the bottle indicate.

•  If any fillings or crowns are lost, broken, or fall off, please contact our office to schedule an appointment within one week of it falling off to have it cemented or replaced. If any crowns are space maintainers are off you must bring it with you to this appointment.

•  If your child had any tooth colored fillings or white crowns on his/her front teeth there may be a discolored blackness at the gum line around those teeth. This is due to a medicine used to control and stop the bleeding from the gums. This discoloration will go away within 3-5 days with proper brushing.

•  Most of the time we apply a gel-like fluoride varnish to the teeth after the dental treatment is completed. This can help strengthen the teeth and prevent future dental problems. The fluoride will stay on the teeth through eating the rest of the day and will remain partly on at night as well.

•  Please resume brushing and flossing tomorrow morning. It is important to brush at least twice per day and to floss every night in order to assist in healing of the gums and maintain good oral health.

•  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at (316) 202-9629.

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Office hours

Mon–Thurs 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.


3933 N Maize Rd Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67101-9619


Habla Español


Office (316) 202-9629
Fax (316) 202-0141

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Post Op Hospital Instructions - Wichita, KS • Tiny Teeth
Tiny Teeth Pediatric Dentistry, 3933 N. Maize Road, Suite 200 Wichita, KS 67101 ^ (316) 202-9629 ^ ^ 2/7/2025 ^ Page Terms:Pediatric Dentist Wichita KS ^